Medium Cloaks

Forward Observer's Camouflage Cloak (Mythic)
Cloak of Desperate Temerity (Mythic)
Cloak of Tangible Dread (Heroic)
Cloak of Tangible Dread (Mythic)
Cloak of Hideous Unity (Heroic)
Polymorphic Cloak of Absorption (Heroic)
Polymorphic Cloak of Absorption (Mythic)
Cloak of Insatiable Greed
Soulbinder's Greatcloak
Soulbinder's Greatcloak (Mythic)
Cloak of Incendiary Wrath (Mythic)
Drape of Gluttony (Heroic)
Void Lord's Wizened Cloak (Heroic)
Void Lord's Wizened Cloak (Mythic)
Unfailing Mantle
Unfired Ejection Parachute (Raid Finder)
Sigil-Stitched Drape
Splashcover Cloak
Commander's Seat Cushion Cover (Raid Finder)
Greatcloak of the Terrible Feast
Cursefeather Cloak (Raid Finder)
Voidthread Spineguard (Raid Finder)
Impertinent Student's Cloak
Haunting Nightmare Cloak (Raid Finder)
Vindictive Combatant's Cloth Cloak
Cloak of Azj'Aqir - Warlock
Cloak of Azj'Aqir - Warlock
Drape of the Mana-Starved
Cruel Combatant's Cloth Cloak
Voidwhisper Drape
Starblotter's Spellwrap
Blackrock Ironweave Cloak
Sparkburnt Welder's Cloak (Heroic)
Shawl of Sanguinary Ritual
Cloak of Hideous Unity (Mythic)
Cloak of Insatiable Greed (Heroic)
Drape of Beckoned Souls (Mythic)
Musky Bat Fur Cloak
Spellcloak of Suramar
Nether-Touched Cloak
Cloak of Readiness - Horde
Shroud of Orgrimmar
Shroud of Silvermoon
Darkspear Mantle
Shroud of Undercity
Mantle of Thunder Bluff
Bilgewater Shroud
Frostwolf Legionnaire's Cloak - Horde
