Medium Cloaks

Vindictive Gladiator's Drape of Piety - Priest
Drape of Vile Misfortune (Heroic)
Cloak of Enthralling Darkness
Cloak of the Astral Warden - Druid
Cloak of Enveloped Dissonance - Monk
Cloak of Enveloped Dissonance - Monk
Purifier's Drape - Priest
Evergreen Vinewrap Drape
Evergreen Vinewrap Drape (Heroic)
Silkweave Cover
Silkweave Drape
Imbued Silkweave Cover
Imbued Silkweave Drape
Silkweave Shade
Silkweave Flourish
Imbued Silkweave Shade
Imbued Silkweave Flourish
Cape of Valarjar Courage (Heroic)
Seacursed Wrap (Heroic)
Herringbone Drape
Stole of Malefic Repose (Heroic)
Cloak of Fading Echoes (Heroic)
Mainsail Cloak (Heroic)
Rugged Marauder Cape
Putrid Carapace
Cloak of Mana-Spun Silk (Heroic)
Iceblood Shroud
Cloak of Unwavering Loyalty
Vindictive Gladiator's Drape of the Tracker - Hunter
Drape of the Raven Lord
Vindictive Gladiator's Felweave Cloak - Warlock
Drape of Vile Misfortune
Cloak of Enthralling Darkness (Heroic)
Dreadwyrm Greatcloak - Death Knight
Dreadwyrm Greatcloak - Death Knight
Eagletalon Cloak - Hunter
Greatmantle of the Highlord - Paladin
Greatmantle of the Highlord - Paladin
Greatmantle of the Highlord - Paladin
Dreamwalker's Cloak
Drape of the Patient Hunter
Astromancer's Greatcloak
Astromancer's Greatcloak (Heroic)
Astromancer's Greatcloak (Raid Finder)
Cruel Combatant's Cloth Cloak
Cruel Combatant's Plate Cloak
Cruel Combatant's Plate Cloak
Royal Apothecary Drape
