
Items from this Shaman Dungeon 3 set are obtained from various Burning Crusade dungeons.

  • Head: Warp Splinter - The Botanica
  • Shoulders: Warbringer O'mrogg - Shattered Halls
  • Chest: Harbinger Skyriss - Arcatraz
  • Hands: Warlord Kalithresh - The Steamvault or Priestess Delrissa - Magisters' Terrace (Cuffed)
  • Waist: Exarch Maladaar - Heroic Auchenai Crypts
  • Legs: Murmur - Shadow Labyrinth
  • Feet: Keli'dan the Breaker - Heroic Blood Furnace

Tidefury Gauntlets are a chunky glove model, Gauntlets of the Tranquil Waves are cuffed.