Full Length Pants

Vengeful Gladiator's Lamellar Legguards - Paladin
Leggings of Divine Retribution
Merciless Gladiator's Lamellar Legguards - Paladin
Merciless Gladiator's Plate Legguards - Warrior
Gladiator's Plate Legguards - Warrior
Doomplate Legguards
Bloodlord Legplates
Greaves of the Shatterer
Gladiator's Lamellar Legguards - Paladin
Legguards of Brutalization
Legplates of the Bold
Legguards of the Resolute Defender
Slayer's Leggings
Sha'tari Vindicator's Legplates
Greaves of the Iron Guardian
Khan'aish Legplates
Fel Iron Plate Pants
Azureplate Greaves
Bogslayer Legplates
Avenger's Legguards - Paladin
Conqueror's Legguards - Warrior
Sentinel's Lamellar Legguards
Sentinel's Plate Legguards
Replica Legplates of Heroism
Replica Soulforge Legplates
Legplates of Wrath - Warrior
Legplates of the Qiraji Command
Legplates of the Destroyer
Darksoul Leggings
Legguards of the Fallen Crusader
Legplates of Might - Warrior
Direwing Legguards
Enchanted Thorium Leggings
Magistrate's Greaves
Skyfire Greaves
Ango'rosh Legguards
Exalted Legplates
Grimscale Legguards
Warleader's Leggings
Commander's Leggings
Heroic Legplates
Imbued Plate Leggings
Flamewalker Legplates
Replica Lightforge Legplates
Replica Legplates of Valor
Staggering Legplates
Dark Iron Leggings
Imperial Plate Leggings
