Venthyr Covenant Transmog

The Venthyr are the vampiric denizens of Revendreth

Set Sources:

    Ebony - Earned through Campaign, earn pieces starting at Chapter 3
    Crimson - Unlocked through Renown, purchased with Anima
    Court - Ember Court
    Burnished - Travel Network (uncomfirmed)


Soulbreaker's Ebony Vestments

Soulbreaker's Crimson Vestments

Soulbreaker's Court Vestments

Soulbreaker's Burnished Vestments


Ebony Death Shroud

Crimson Death Shroud

Court Death Shroud

Burnished Death Shroud


Fearstalker's Ebony Battlegear

Fearstalker's Crimson Battlegear

Fearstalker's Court Battlegear

Fearstalker's Burnished Battlegear


Dread Sentinel's Ebony Battleplate

Dread Sentinel's Crimson Battleplate

Dread Sentinel's Court Battleplate

Dread Sentinel's Burnished Battleplate


Cloaks are obtained from various sources like quests, dailies, renown, caches and more.

Ebony Crypt Keeper's Mantle

Gleaming Crypt Keeper's Mantle

Burnished Crypt Keeper's Mantle

Kassir's Crypt Mantle

Mantle of Crimson Blades

Mantle of Court Blades

Mantle of Burnished Blades

Mantle of the Forgemaster's Dark Blades

Kael's Dark Sinstone Chain

Glittering Gold Sinstone Chain

Bronze-Bound Sinstone

Burnished Sinstone Chain