Mid Length Pants

Inconspicuous Pantaloons
Archmage Pants
Legwraps of Horrifying Figments (Heroic)
Legwraps of Horrifying Figments (LFR)
Corrupted Gladiator's Silk Trousers
Legwraps of Horrifying Figments (Mythic)
Legwraps of Horrifying Figments
Leggings of Furious Flame (Mythic)
Leggings of Furious Flame
Leggings of Furious Flame (Raid Finder)
Snarlmouth Leggings
Leggings of Eternity
Leggings of Channeled Elements
Legwraps of Sweltering Flame
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Trousers - Mage
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Very Manly Leggings
Legwraps of the Greatest Son
Breeches of Mended Nightmares
Legwraps of the Greatest Son (Heroic)
Leggings of the Faceless Shroud - Warlock
Faceless Follower's Legwraps
Leggings of the Faceless Shroud - Warlock
Forest Trickster's Leggings
Windwool Pants
Brewer's Leggings
Mistborne Leggings
Firewool Leggings
Malevolent Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings - Priest
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings - Priest
Malevolent Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Leggings of the Betrayer - Warlock
Leggings of the Burning Scroll - Mage
Dreadwoven Leggings of Failure (Heroic)
Dreadwoven Leggings of Failure
Leggings of the Elemental Triad - Mage
Tyrannical Gladiator's Silk Trousers - Mage
High Councillor's Pants
Gaea's Leggings
Embersilk Leggings
Hateful Gladiator's Silk Trousers - Mage
Relentless Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Furious Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Savage Gladiator's Felweave Trousers - Warlock
Furious Gladiator's Silk Trousers - Mage
